Bayne LLC in partnership with DC Health, is soliciting grant applications for the COVID-19 Credible Messenger Community Outreach Grant program.
The Credible Messenger Grant program is intended to support DC Health's disease investigation process to contain the spread of COVID-19 through grassroots outreach and education to residents in the District that are not reached through traditional communication channels or may be unwilling to respond to messages from the government because of cultural, language or historical barriers. Credible messengers who can inform communities about the process, what to expect, and why it matters are critical. Effective disease control through case investigation and contact tracing relies on the willingness of residents to speak to DC Health, to call them back quickly, to share personal health information with them, and to stay in touch with them until clearance from isolation or quarantine.
Application Submission Deadline: June 23, 2020 by 5 PM
Please submit all questions to
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: We recently applied for a similar grant that was funded by the District Government, does this impact eligibility?
- A: No, it does not impact eligibility